воскресенье, февраля 04, 2007
Обо мне
- Имя: Dimitri
- Местоположение: Berlin
Born in Kursk, moved to Berlin, moved to Schwerin, moved back to Berlin, moved to school, living behind a dark forrest. A lot happened in the meantime. In fact, quite a bit still seems to be happening.
- BibPlatz
- MediaRecord
- C-3000 ZOOM
- leomou
- Samoa
- Des Lyrikers Zirkel
- Infirmus
- Aspire
- Libertas Cara
- Frohnauer Batzen
Previous Posts
- Die Problematik der halben Löcher
- Um des Denkens willen
- Nutria vs. Nutria
- Merry Christmas, Dammit!
- Chaos am Schreibtisch
- Verworren
- Neela
- Tims Laufschuh
- Huch!
- Hochqualifiziert